The Freedom Quiz Strategy

The Freedom Quiz strategy to engage those who are not engaged.  It is based on the concept of creating curiosity and then satisfying it. After taking a quiz, everyone wants to know how they scored. Therefore, by presenting a brief quiz we create curiosity and then we provide the answers to satisfy the curiosity. When people read the answers, they are being educated!

The Freedom Quiz is Born

The Freedom Quiz is a simple educational tool that anyone can use!   By presenting a simple quiz we empower others to preserve freedom! It can be shared in person, using your cell phone, or on social media.

The Freedom Quiz book is a brief read but a powerful and affordable tool that you can use to inform your friends, neighbors, people in church or club, etc. The Quiz stimulates their curiosity and prepares them to absorb the important information inside.

Now You Can Do Something!

If you have ever wondered what you can do to help preserve America and our freedoms, wonder no longer, Now You CAN do something!